@ Letter # A-Z Challenge

E for E- mails


“ Do you even understand the personal touch that is associated with writing letters ? A hand written letter carries a part of you along with it . The warmth and involvement …” and that is how Sonia felt about handwritten letters .

She hung up the phone on this note .

handwritten letter

Sonia, a 20 year old girl working with a multinational FMCG organization. Extremely independent,“ happy go lucky”, street smart and everyone’s favorite . Most importantly , she was her favorite. She is extremely passionate and has transparency of her likes and dislikes.

This was a call from her long distance partner who was pursuing his MBA from IIM Lucknow  . Rahul , who was getting upgraded on the latest to catch up with the speed at which the world was moving forward , offered an easy solution to Sonia on their communication gap because of distance . Just create an E-mail id , and that way they could stay in touch everyday , countless times each day … and that could actually help their love bloom .

This was an absolutely unexpected reaction and Rahul suddenly gets to know this new viewpoint of Sonia , the extremely emotional aspect of the fun , practical , ever smiling Sonia . “ Do you know , I smell your letters when I miss you “ , “ How can machine typed words replace the pen and paper feel” ……. And finally, there was no immediate resolution to this long distance relationship challenge and the handwritten letters continued. E –Mail could not replace it even after several rounds of convincing …

Exactly …15 years from then , Sonia heads the Digital Marketing initiative of a BFSI organization . She does not remember the last time she visited the post office or even met a post man .She is a moderator for management conferences with topics like “ Evolution of E-mails as a mode of communication “ , “ Speed Vs Emotions”…. and she handles it flawlessly.

Sonia sure is the same young emotional girl from deep inside but personal and professional commitments must have made her loose that identity altogether .  “ You have to move on , with time and age “ , she says . Rahul is not there in her life to smile back at this ,he must be chasing his dream elsewhere.


Someday they may just re-connect via an E-mail from whichever part of the globe they are in and renew the dream relationship all over .


Author: sukanya2700

Sukanya is an observant storyteller with a perspective , passionate about Travel, Food, Music, Tea,Solitude, Conversations, Adventure and much more . Calm Recklessness is what rightly describes her...

3 thoughts on “@ Letter # A-Z Challenge”

  1. Thank you for pointing me towards this letter. It’s beautiful and deep. It’s true that sometimes we forget. There’s passion for something and then we move on. I loved that little message at the end. Thank you for bringing them together to remind us…

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