Everyday Moments # A-Z Challenge


R for Romance

Girl meets Boy , Love at first sight , a very ROMANTIC mode of proposal with ring dropped into the wine glass . Then starts the meeting up on weekends which extends to weekdays after college/work, missing few commitments in order to meet the urge to be with each other , cannot live without each other moments . Also ,in the Indian context  where there is a extremely towering influence of Bollywood in our lives ,we also imagine dancing around the trees , singing a song or two with or for each other , the family opposition but they stand by each other , sometimes elope ………… Few years later when everything is slightly settled down ,it is all about the solitaire gifted for anniversary , or an international holiday and dinner at five star for birthdays . Increasingly the relationship is all about a very theatrical manifestation of Love to be labeled as Romance . And I have heard friends say , “ My partner is not Romantic” , just in case the relationship lacks most of the above obvious and more popular expressions.

There is definitely nothing wrong with any of the above demonstrations of love . But ,to me, Romance is much beyond this .

It is the morning cup of Darjeeling first flush tea served to you while you are still lazing in bed and the chit chat that extends to the balcony .

It is the meaningful conversations you have , discussing your life , your fears and insecurities, celebrating your success and applauding your achievements.

It is that unnoticed slipping of a fruit in your hand when you had to skip breakfast because you woke up late and have to rush out for a early morning meeting .

It is that note on the post it which is pasted on your lunch box .

It is a call that you miss ,in the middle of the presentation and is followed by a message “ All the best for winning the Pitch” .

It is when you are sharing one car and he agrees to take a cab to work because you have too many back to back meetings for the day.

It is when the warm chicken soup that is served to you ,when you are down with bad health .

It is just holding your hand tight and nodding , just to say a silent “You have had a bad day … but life is beautiful .”

It is when you can expose all your vulnerability to him without being judged …. Just a Hug .

It is when he encourages you to take a Holiday as a reward to yourself .

It is when you call up to check on your kid and everything else  back home, from your Solo Holiday and he says , “You will receive a call from us in case we need help , till then just disconnect and enjoy your time”

It is when he pulls that blanket over you to make you feel warm , when you are curled up and cold but fast asleep to be able to help yourself .

Yes Romance is ,these humble small moments that create memories.


Author: sukanya2700

Sukanya is an observant storyteller with a perspective , passionate about Travel, Food, Music, Tea,Solitude, Conversations, Adventure and much more . Calm Recklessness is what rightly describes her...

4 thoughts on “Everyday Moments # A-Z Challenge”

  1. I absolutely agree with your definition of romance. I have seen the other forms of supposed romance, but it seems so plastic and unreal to me. I would much prefer a special hug or holding a hand, or a long talk after a hard day. The connections of the heart is romance to me. LOVELY POST!! Thank you.

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